This travelogue is one family's experience in Yellowstone. To see a photo in a 1024 x 681 size, just click on it. We hope you enjoy the record of our journey, and that you get to experience your own. Note: Stock photos of these and many other images with reproduction rights are available in their original 3008 x 2000 size. We also have a screen saver. Click here for more information.
Grand geyser doesn't look like much in its quiet state, but it's the world's tallest predictable geyser. When it blows, it reaches heights of over 200 feet. While it's predictable, its interval is every seven to 10 hours, so you typically have to wait up to four hours to see it blow. When we were there, it was due to erupt between 4-8 pm. We had a dinner reservation at 5:30 pm in the Old Faithful Inn, and, unfortunately, saw it erupt at a distance from the hotel.
Giant geyser is enormous, shooting up to 250 feet, but has an unpredictable eruption pattern that can range from weeks to even years before it blows.
Grotto geyser is also unpredictable. Geologists believe that it emerged in a stand of dead or dying trees, which have long since disappeared. When it erupts, it only shoots up about 40 feet.
Daisy geyser is on a hill with several other geysers. We waited about two hours for it to erupt to a height of about 80 feet.
The Upper Geyser Basin is tough on nearby trees. Many are poisoned by the acidic water in the area. They then fall over, leaving twisted root structures as testimony to the difficulty of living in a geiothermal area.
Before they fall over, nearby trees turn a ghostly white as they're poisoned and die by the acrid water.
Castle geyser, one of the older ones in the area, has devoured a pine forest in its surrounding area. It erupts twice a day.
Geyser eruptions take place both day and night. Here's castle geyser erupting at about 10 pm. While it was very dark out at night, my camera's timed exposure made the sky appear lighter.
Note: We missed the famous Morning Glory Pool because we decided to see the Daisy geyser erupt instead and ran out of time. We'll see it on our next visit.